Why We Love Online Reviews (And You Should, Too)

Why Do I Need Online Reviews? Word-of-mouth recommendations by your existing customers are great for increasing the traffic you see at your business. Amplify recommendations with online reviews to put your business on the map and serve as an … [Read more...]

Reach Your Target Audience Online

Everyone is not your potential customer. As an online marketer, I have daily conversations with business owners about growing their businesses.  Understanding your target audience, or best prospective customers, is an ideal way to achieve your … [Read more...]

10 Visual Content Ideas to Incorporate into Your Online Marketing

Are you including visual content in your online marketing strategy? Creating a successful, engaging online marketing strategy is the cornerstore to successful social media marketing.  Integrating images and appealing visual content is increasing … [Read more...]

How Did The Social Networking Obsession Start?

An Infographic Overview of the History of Social Media Humans are very social creatures and have been for the past twenty years. It’s important to understand how society has evolved and become increasingly digital. Our infographic demonstrates the … [Read more...]

Facebook Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts

The days of print marketing have been replaced with social media marketing, most notably Facebook marketing.  As the largest social network, Facebook offers businesses the opportunity to connect with their customers. It is important to understand … [Read more...]